The Oxbridge in Barcelona program is a distinctive educational experience for high school students in Grades 9-12. Located in the Liv Student Residence in the serene Sarrià neighborhood, the program is a short distance from Barcelona’s bustling city center. It blends academic study with cultural exploration, offering courses in both Spanish and English across various fields such as Fashion and Design, International Relations, and more. Priced at $9,495, the program runs from July 4 to July 31 and includes accommodation, classroom instruction, workshops, field trips, and two daily meals. This immersive experience is ideal for students eager to learn in an international setting while experiencing the unique culture and history of Barcelona. For comprehensive details about the program, visit Oxbridge in Barcelona.
Courses offered as part of this Program.
Psychology (Oxbridge in Barcelona)
In this survey course, students investigate a wide range of psychological topics including dreams, memory, consciousness, anxiety, body language, gender, sexuality, and education. As well as examining the history of the subject, select case histories, and various mental disorders, students are introduced to research methodologies and diverse analytical frameworks in order to design their own experiments. They come away from the course with a better understanding of the career options in this field and possible areas for further research.
Relaciones Internacionales IMMERSION (Oxbridge in Barcelona)
Dentro de la óptica de delimitar la complejidad de las relaciones que existen en regiones como el Oriente Medio, África y Sudamérica, los estudiantes se familiarizan con los principales modelos teóricos que influyen en las relaciones internacionales y examinan una serie de estudios de casos, guiados por expertos en la materia. Al final del curso los estudiantes organizan su propia cumbre acerca de un problema importante de actualidad.
Spanish Language: Conversation and Composition (Oxbridge in Barcelona)
Taking full advantage of Barcelona, this course relies on interactive instruction to review tenses and sentence structure and build vocabulary. Language learning is approached through a variety of activities, such as storytelling and role playing, and short thematic units that integrate visits to museums and cultural sites, and regular contact with local native Spanish speakers. Students work on pronunciation, intonation, and public speaking. They are evaluated on the first day and placed in a class with others of a similar level.
Medicine (Oxbridge in Barcelona)
This hands-on course introduces students to key aspects of medicine and modern medical practice. Combining specialist lectures with experiments and class discussions, students learn the main principles of human anatomy and physiology, the pathology and significance of certain diseases, the main challenges that medical science faces today, and the variety and changing nature of careers in medicine.
Perfecionnamiento de la lengua IMMERSION (Oxbridge in Barcelona)
Este curso de expresión oral y escrita se dirige a los estudiantes que quieren enriquecer su vocabulario y afianzar el conocimiento de la gramática española, como el empleo del condicional y del subjuntivo, la conjugación de los tiempos verbales, o la elección de los pronombres personales y relativos. Los estudiantes leen la prensa regional y nacional, visionan extractos de películas contemporáneas, discuten sobre temas de actualidad y se inician en el arte del debate.
Photography MINOR ONLY (Oxbridge in Barcelona)
Beginners and experienced photographers transform Barcelona into their private studio, honing their skills on assignments that cover portraiture, urban landscapes, photojournalism, and art photography. All students exhibit their best work at the end of the program. Students need to bring their own DSLR camera with USB cable, charger, manual, and at least one 8GB memory card.
Culture and Cuisine (Oxbridge in Barcelona)
Students discover Spanish cuisine focusing first on different regional specialties like paella and gazpacho or pinchos, and secondly on the vital role that Barcelona has played, and continues to play, in the culinary world. Students visit markets, bakeries, butchers, and pastry shops, where they discover first-hand the culinary richness of the city. Students also prepare dishes that they share as a class and can recreate back at home.
Cutura y cocina IMMERSION (Oxbridge in Barcelona)
De la mano de chefs, críticos gastronómicos, nutricionistas e historiadores, esta asignatura es un placer para los sentidos. Los estudiantes ganan confianza con el español mezclándose con locales visitando mercados, panaderías, pastelerías y carnicerías. Los estudiantes descubren la rica diversidad gastronómica española y catalana, de gran relevancia en la actualidad, pues cocineros españoles como Ferrán Adrià y los hermanos Roca son reconocidos mundialmente. Al mismo tiempo los alumnos aprenden sobre la dieta mediterránea y sus bondades para la salud.
Fashion and Design (Oxbridge in Barcelona)
Few cities are as creative and fashionable as Barcelona. Exploiting these extraordinary resources, students study the artists and designers who have made Barcelona famous, and by meeting with local creators and entrepreneurs, they acquire the skills to design, create, and develop their own brands from scratch. They present their portfolios and creations at the end of the program.
Fotografía MINOR ONLY | IMMERSION (Oxbridge in Barcelona)
En este curso los estudiantes desarrollan su propia visión fotográfica de Barcelona y se sumergen en las riquezas visuales de la ciudad, como la arquitectura y el arte callejero. Tanto los principiantes como los fotógrafos más avanzados hacen de la ciudad su estudio; trabajan el retrato, el paisaje urbano, el fotoperiodismo y la fotografía artística. Al final del programa los estudiantes exponen sus mejores trabajos. Los estudiantes necesitan una cámara digital con cable USB, cargador, manual y tarjeta de 8GB.