Camp Dragon, set in the picturesque surroundings of North Oxford’s Dragon School, offers a home away from home for children aged 8-12. This immersive summer camp, designed by language learning experts and qualified play workers, provides a unique blend of education and adventure for young explorers from around the world.
The Young Explorers programme is at the heart of the camp, combining interactive lessons with inspiring workshops and action-packed activities. Each day is a journey into core subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, History, and Art and Design, where traditional learning meets dynamic experiences. The programme is structured around four key stages: Discover, Develop, Dare, and Time to Shine, ensuring that every child maximises their learning potential in a fun and engaging way.
Camp Dragon is more than just a summer camp—it’s a place where children can make friends from around the world, explore new interests, and develop confidence in a safe and nurturing environment. This unforgettable experience offers the perfect balance of learning and play, making it an ideal choice for parents seeking an enriching summer adventure for their child.