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Young Professionals Business and Finance

Ignite your career aspirations, our Young Professionals courses combine academic rigour, industry embedded workshops and a real world collaboration with professionals in order to provide the most immersive career experience currently available. In addition, each programme offers external certification from a recognised UK provider
Computational Psychology and Artificial Intelligence

How does the brain process information, make decisions, and learn? Computational Psychologists seek to answer these questions by using algorithms and mathematical models to simulate and analyse the mechanisms behind mental processes. The field has been highly influential on Artificial Intelligence research and development, as data scientists attempt to convincingly recreate human thought, speech, and behaviour in machines, a challenge Alan Turing called the ‘Imitation Game’. Introducing Computational Psychology, Computational Neuroscience, and AI, this course offers a fascinating insight into these exciting and forward-looking interconnected fields of research.
English Literature (The Oxford Tradition)

This course examines some of the great works of English literature from Chaucer to Zadie Smith amidst the evocative surroundings of Oxford. Students engage with a wealth of writers in the literary pantheon to improve their skills in close reading, textual criticism, and clear, informed writing. Each student engages in a close study of a chosen text in the final week.
Aerospace Engineering (The Cambridge Tradition)

Aerospace Engineering is quite literally "rocket science!" Participants examine the disciplines most important to the industry, including aerodynamics, electronics, mechanics, operations systems, statistics, and thermodynamics. The course culminates with the replication of real design offices of aircraft and spacecraft companies. Students go through every stage in the creation of a new vehicle, including aerodynamic profiling, engine sizing, and structural design.
Fine Art (The Cambridge Experience)

Students on this course spend much of their time outside the studio. They sketch medieval towers, capture pastoral landscapes, practice their portrait skills, and discover masterpieces in locations like the Fitzwilliam Museum. Meanwhile they receive formal, professional instruction in sketching and painting in a variety of media. Their best work is exhibited at the end of the program.
International Business (Oxbridge in Barcelona)

Taking advantage of our residence's proximity to Barcelona's financial center, students gain first-hand knowledge of current issues in the world of business and economics by studying local corporations. They perform case studies on topics ranging from brand positioning to crisis management and - to cap off the course - develop and present a business plan for a start-up venture.
Politics & International Relations

The Reach Cambridge Politics and International Relations Course provides students with a fascinating introduction to the world of national and international political systems, giving them the opportunity to discuss and debate the fundamental questions of political life.
Engineering (The Oxford Experience)

Students explore the principles of engineering science through both world-renowned and local examples. They apply the findings to a variety of case studies to solve mechanical, structural, and architectural problems. They complete the course by designing a model engineering project of their own.
Photography MINOR ONLY (The Oxford Tradition)

Photographers of all levels of expertise spend much of their time in the field, pursuing assignments designed to improve their landscape, portraiture, art, and fashion photography skills. Students exhibit their best work at the end of the program. They require their own DSLR camera with USB cable, charger, manual, and at least one 8 GB memory card.