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The Biology of Disease (The Oxford Tradition)
HIV, malaria, and tuberculosis are thought to result in ten percent of all deaths every year around the world. Students will explore the biology of disease, using case studies of current outbreaks of diseases such as Ebola, SARS, and Zika. This interdisciplinary medical course investigates the biology of disease. Topics include animal models of human disease; cancer; conventional therapy and treatment strategies; the genetics of complex and simple traits; the interaction between environment and genetics; Karyotypic analysis; the molecular and cellular basis of genetic diseases; and the role of oncogenes in tumor initiation and treatment.
Photography (The Cambridge Tradition)
Students receive guidance in artistic, landscape, and portraiture photography. This helps them record their exploration of England and produce a comprehensive photographic record of their experiences. The class culminates in a formal exhibition. Students need their own DSLR camera with USB cable, charger, and at least one 16 GB memory card.
Global Economics and International Markets (Oxbridge in New York)
Using New York City, home to the UN and the global center of banking and finance, as their classroom, students analyze the theoretical foundations of international trade economic policy. Students will leave this course able to explore patterns of international trade and production, examine tariffs and impediments to trade, discuss the welfare implications of international trade and trade policies, and the value of foreign exchange markets.
Paris: ville imaginaire IMMERSION (Oxbridge in Paris)
Paris a inspiré les plus célèbres artistes, cinéastes, écrivains, et créateurs. Parfois la ville lumière joue un rôle principal dans leur œuvre, parfois elle n’est que son inspiration. A travers ce cours pluridisciplinaire -- qui allie promenades en ville, visites de musées, films, lectures, et exercices d’écriture -- les étudiants découvrent comment Paris a été imaginé et représenté par différents artistes, tout en travaillant leurs propres créations multimédia.
Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Computer Vision
From self-driving cars and augmented reality to intelligent medical imaging helping doctors identify diseases more quickly, computer vision is a rapidly-growing field within artificial intelligence and machine learning. In this course, students who are already familiar with the key theoretical foundations of artificial intelligence and machine learning will dive deeper into the exciting capabilities of this area of research and its applications.
Experience Medicine Academy
Curious to explore the field of medicine and see what it’s like to be a doctor? This course is designed to give students a deeper understanding of different specialties and medical ethics. You’ll also get hands-on experience with both clinical tasks and doctor-patient communication skills.
Psychology (The Oxford Experience)
Students investigate a wide range of psychological topics, including dreams, memory, consciousness, anxiety, body language, gender, and sexuality. Alongside, they uncover the history of the science itself, complete case studies, and are introduced to various disorders and different research methodologies. They go on to design their own experiments under the guidance of research specialists and practicing clinicians.
Medicine (The Oxford Summer Seminar)
This hands-on course introduces students to key aspects of medicine and modern medical practice. Combining specialist lectures with experiments and class discussions, students learn the main principles of human anatomy and physiology, the pathology and significance of certain diseases, the main challenges that medical science faces today, and the variety and changing nature of careers in medicine.
English Literature (The Cambridge Experience)
Loosely basing itself on the undergraduate syllabus, this course engages with some of the great works of English literature amidst Cambridge’s evocative surroundings. Working from a range of texts drawn from every age, students improve their skills in close reading, textual criticism, and clear, informed writing. Each student engages in a close study of a text by a Cambridge author or a Shakespeare play and presents a special project in the final week.
Cutura y cocina IMMERSION (Oxbridge in Barcelona)
De la mano de chefs, críticos gastronómicos, nutricionistas e historiadores, esta asignatura es un placer para los sentidos. Los estudiantes ganan confianza con el español mezclándose con locales visitando mercados, panaderías, pastelerías y carnicerías. Los estudiantes descubren la rica diversidad gastronómica española y catalana, de gran relevancia en la actualidad, pues cocineros españoles como Ferrán Adrià y los hermanos Roca son reconocidos mundialmente. Al mismo tiempo los alumnos aprenden sobre la dieta mediterránea y sus bondades para la salud.
Young Professionals Performing arts
Ignite your career aspirations, our Young Professionals courses combine academic rigour, industry embedded workshops and a real world collaboration with professionals in order to provide the most immersive career experience currently available. In addition, each programme offers external certification from a recognised UK provider
Jane Austen: Literature and Legacy
Jane Austen created some of the most fondly loved characters in literature, with generations of readers fascinated by her juxtaposition of romance and reality in Regency England. Why do Austen’s novels continue to resonate so deeply across the centuries? Join this course to immerse yourself in this captivating world where love, class, and identity intersect, explore the key themes and stylistic techniques employed, and discover how Austen’s work continues to influence literature and popular culture today.