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Engineering (The Cambridge Experience)
Students learn the principles of engineering science. Both world-renowned and local examples are examined, and the findings are applied to a variety of case studies to solve mechanical, structural, and architectural problems. They complete the course by designing a model engineering project of their own.
Culture and Cuisine (Oxbridge in Barcelona)
Students discover Spanish cuisine focusing first on different regional specialties like paella and gazpacho or pinchos, and secondly on the vital role that Barcelona has played, and continues to play, in the culinary world. Students visit markets, bakeries, butchers, and pastry shops, where they discover first-hand the culinary richness of the city. Students also prepare dishes that they share as a class and can recreate back at home.
Young Professionals Law
Ignite your career aspirations, our Young Professionals courses combine academic rigour, industry embedded workshops and a real world collaboration with professionals in order to provide the most immersive career experience currently available. In addition, each programme offers external certification from a recognised UK provider
PPE: Globalisation, Populism, and Identity
While the world has been moving increasingly towards greater inter-connectivity through trade, infrastructure, communications, and migration, criticism of ‘globalisation’ has been growing ever louder, with many blaming it for inequality, cultural marginalisation, and political disaffection. Through the lenses of philosophy, politics, and economics this course will explore these competing dynamics and equip you to understand some of the most significant political phenomena of our time.
Criminology (The Oxford Tradition)
Through workshops, debates, and visits to police stations and criminal courts, students explore individual and social theories of crime, philosophies of punishment, criminal profiling, incident analysis, and basic forensic science. They consider the causes of crime, the influence of the media upon crime, and issues of race, inequality, and gender within the context of the British and American criminal justice systems.
Leadership (The Oxford Summer Seminar)
Regardless of their interests, students gain a better understanding of how to take action and lead. Interactive workshops on goal-setting, communication, negotiation, and team-building form the core of this course. Students explore case studies drawn from history and business and meet with leaders from different walks of life to gain a perspective on what it takes to lead successfully in any arena, to discover what they have to offer, and to develop confidence about their skills.
Public Speaking (The Cambridge Experience)
In this course, students hone their verbal, nonverbal, and written communication skills in the service of becoming effective public speakers. Students learn how to prepare and deliver compelling speeches to a large and critical audience. The syllabus covers the core principles of communication, the history of rhetoric, and techniques for overcoming speech anxiety. Students gain a sense of how to structure and organize information, skills of decision-making and leadership, and knowledge of how to present their ideas effectively.
Relaciones Internacionales IMMERSION (Oxbridge in Barcelona)
Dentro de la óptica de delimitar la complejidad de las relaciones que existen en regiones como el Oriente Medio, África y Sudamérica, los estudiantes se familiarizan con los principales modelos teóricos que influyen en las relaciones internacionales y examinan una serie de estudios de casos, guiados por expertos en la materia. Al final del curso los estudiantes organizan su propia cumbre acerca de un problema importante de actualidad.