The Junior Summer School at Taunton School is a well-rounded educational program designed for young learners aged 8-12, set in the picturesque Somerset countryside. With a legacy dating back to 1847, Taunton School has established itself as a premier provider of private education in the UK. The summer program balances academics, sports, and creative activities to inspire young students from around the world in a supportive environment, fostering personal growth, friendship, and a love for learning.
Students enjoy a diverse academic curriculum and engage in a wide range of physical activities and sports, using the school’s extensive facilities, which include indoor pools, tennis courts, and a climbing wall. The program also includes cultural excursions to immerse students in British culture and explore nearby landmarks. With its expansive 56-acre campus equipped with modern classrooms, creative spaces like a music school and art studios, and a newly renovated dining hall offering various self-service meal options, the Junior Summer School at Taunton School promises a memorable summer filled with learning, creativity, and fun.