International Relations (The Oxford Summer Seminar)

A summer course in Oxford, by Oxbridge Academic Programs

The Oxford Summer Seminar takes place at Corpus Christi College, which was founded in 1517. Early visitors to the college included Catherine of Aragon and Erasmus of Rotterdam. Corpus Christi College was also the venue for the translation of what became the King James Bible, in 1611.

Corpus is located on a quiet, cobblestoned street in the medieval center of Oxford. Students choose a Major and a Minor to study for the month.

Key Features

  • Breakfast in Hall
  • Major classes on topics meet in classrooms, labs, studios, or out and about in Oxford
  • Students can choose to have lunch at any local restaurants or sandwich shops in town. When there is no class, they are free to join in organized activities or trips and tours in and around Oxford
  • Dinner in Hall
  • Evening activities, events, or shows

More Information

  • Accommodation
  • Academics & Tuition
  • Extracurricular Program


In Oxford, students live in rooms that are occupied by undergraduates during the year. Students are housed in singles or doubles. Students can request a private bathroom (for a fee), on a first-come, first-served basis.

Academics & Tuition

The Seminars are condensed versions of our 4-week Tradition program in which participants experience life at the University of Oxford. They choose one subject per session to explore with an expert.

Extracurricular Program

Every class is designed to use Oxford as a teaching tool. When not in class, students have access to a full range of optional activities designed to help them discover Oxford and immerse themselves in English life. They can go on tours of sights like the Bodleian Library and Christ Church, take part in a variety of sports, attend local Shakespeare productions, or go on field trips to London.

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